Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Virtual discussion on importance of rural arts scheduled for 4 p.m. on Wednesday

Advocates of rural art are invited to attend the first in a series of virtual conversations to discuss the importance of art in rural areas. The Rural Arts Happy Hour, presented by the Rural Arts and Culture Working Group of the National Rural Assembly, has scheduled its first discussion for 4 p.m. EDT on Wednesday.

Organizers hope the series "will bring together rural artists, leaders, practitioners, funders, and other rural advocates, to talk about what’s happening in the rural arts, sample some models, and encourage more camaraderie among practitioners," according to the National Rural Assembly. "In rural places and small towns there is growing understanding that the role of the arts cannot be undervalued or underutilized as we make plans for the future.  Our economies depend upon creative thinkers and solutions. Our quality of life hinges upon our ability to be inclusive, to adapt, and to draw upon all of our assets."

Participants will need  a Gmail or Google+ account. For more information or to register for the discussion click here.

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