Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Drought drops groundwater in Texas, big time

Drought is to blame for serious drops in groundwater levels in major aquifers in Texas from 2010 to 2011, according to a report by the Texas Water Development Board, reports Kate Galbraith for The Texas Tribune. And the outlook isn't good for the 2012 report, which is due in August. (Tribune photo by Christine B. Castro)

Levels in the state's major source of underground water, the Ogalla Aquifer, located in the Panhandle, fell an average of 3.5 feet, with water levels dropping in 25 of the 26 wells, reports Galbraith. The hardest-hit area was the Trinity Aquifer, in Central Texas, which had an average drop of 19.7 feet, while the Carrizo-Wilcoz Aquifer in South Texas had an average drop of 17.1 feet.

Janie Hopkins, who manages the water board's groundwater division, said “This year of a drought — it has affected even the groundwater levels to a greater extent than I’ve ever seen.” She said there will probably be a “continuing downward (trend) in the majority of these wells, but just at a less rapid rate.” (Read more)

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